Saturday, February 9, 2008

The polls are closing AND other tidbits

As the polls come to a close for voting on what the first name of our baby should be, and as tomorrow marks the end of two weeks on the wait list, we are pleased to announce that "K" has won!!!! Whew! Good thing because that was the only letter we had a name to go with! You will all have to wait until her arrival to learn what the "K" stands for! Stay tuned for our next voting poll question.

In other news, it occurred to us that we didn't mention in our first entry that we have requested a girl less than 12 months old. So, she'll be approximately between 3 and 12 months by the time we learn about her a few months from now.

Also, we aren't given the number of people on the waiting list with us, as our agency wants us all to focus on the timeline of 3 to 5 months for referral, but we do know that currently our agency has about 200 families in the process with Ethiopia. These families are either working on getting agency approval, gathering documents, are on the wait list like us, or are ready to travel to pick up their little package.

Just a little info to get us all through a few more days....

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