Wednesday, May 7, 2008


So, Chad called me twice on my cell phone this morning after I got in to work. He was excitedly telling me about other people who have gotten their referrals and we said to each other, maybe it will happen for us soon. I went about my work and then my phone rang, AGAIN, and I thought it was Chad again to tell me more. DJ, one of our facility nurse consultants was sitting with me in my office and when she heard my phone vibrate her eyes got HUGE, and I casually looked at it, and saw "UNKNOWN". Oh my goodness! I started shaking, serious shaking and calmly answered. When I heard Jessica say, "I have some good news for you," I couldn't even answer because I started blubbering and crying. Finally I choked out something dumb like "sorry, I'm just crying" - brilliant, nothing like stating the obvious. She told me to call Chad to let him know, and then call her back. I could hardly dial Chad's number I was shaking so badly! We all got on the phone together a couple minutes later and Jessica told us all about our baby girl.

She is two months old, (TWO MONTHS!) has big dark eyes, and chubby little cheeks. They say that she is very calm, hardly ever cries, and is very sweet. We got to hear about her birth parents, her birth mother wants to meet us, and Jessica told us all about her medical information, which there isn't much to say about since she is very healthy, hasn't yet had to see the doctor except for her physical. She was only in the orphanage for a few days, and then moved in April to the Gladney foster home where we are certain she is being well loved! Chad and I both had tears of joy and heard each other's sniffles over the phone while we listened to Jessica. We accepted the referral on the spot and now we wait for a court date as they prepare our files to submit to the judge. She says 4-6 weeks before we hear when the court date will be, and ideally the court date will happen a few short weeks after that, then we travel! We are still several weeks away from going to Ethiopia, but have plenty to do before then. (Like finish the basement remodel and other exciting projects.)

Chad and I went out to celebrate, of course we had Ethiopian food, and then stopped at Dairy Queen! Here are a couple celebration photos! Enjoy! We are so blessed. She is amazing, beautiful. We have her photos printed out and sitting on our fireplace mantle! We'll keep ya'll posted!


graceling said...

Oh, I am so, so, so happy for you!

Hoping for a quick court date and speedy process! Your baby will be in your arms before you know it!

coffeemom said...

OH BOY!!! no, OH GIRL!!!! Oh silly giddy fun and celebrations!!!! So SO happy for you and she is so young! WOw! If you want us to take pics, please send her info and we will make our best effort! We leave Sat.... I know that in a few days (two!) but if you can get me something tomorrow (friday) overnighted, we'll pack it and deliver. Email me if you like and congratulations!!!!

Meredith said...

This is fantastic! So happy for you!

Kristy -Mom To 9 Blessings said...

Oh what wonderful news!

mama becca said...


Jana said...

So wonderful. Wonderful!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww how cute! Hope your court date is soon!! Love you guys, Ashley

Farmboy and Buttercup said...

Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

You are in for such a wonderful journey!

LISA said...

New to your blog, but heard your big news!!!Congratulations!! Thanks for the tears today! LOL!

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