Friday, March 28, 2008

So much love...

So much love from the residents at the nursing home where I work! Today, Mary, our activities director, helped the residents lovingly make the most adorable baby blanket for us. It is so soft, cuddly and was made with so much love! I love our residents!
Well, we have completed two full months on the wait list, finishing up week 9 in a couple days. My how time flies! Tomorrow we're off to our last adoption education class. We've been reading our books - tons of great information. We'll share some tidbits with you when we're finished.



J, A, T and Y said...

Oh that is so sweet. The homemade gifts like that are always the best!
Have a nice weekend and a great final class tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I like the blanket! Very cute :)
Love, Ashley and Jeremy

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