Friday, August 7, 2009


“To everyone who's hurting, To those who've had enough
Hold fast, Help is on the way
Hold fast, He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life, One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp, So hold fast.
You may think you're all alone, And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing, Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
So, hold fast, Help is on the way…”

So, of course I know our small journey is not the center of the universe. There are so many others out there struggling with all kinds of things. I heard Mercy Me’s, “Hold Fast” on the radio the other day – I hear it a lot, but this time I really heard the words in the context of our journey and was also reminded of how we are not alone.

Hey everyone, we are with you on the journey, wherever different paths may lead. AND, Rocky is still fighting, so even though there is still no document ready for court on Tuesday, and even though we’ve been hurt, and, dang it, even though at times we feel we’ve had enough, we will Hold Fast!

- - Stay strong everyone!

Have a super duper weekend!
smj out


Jen said...

praying for you

Tanya said...

I love that song, and I love your tenacity and attitude! Never give up! Still praying for you guys....

Heidi said...

You guys are incredible and an example for us all. Praying hard that August 11 is your day!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the incredible strength you two are witnessing to us. You are a huge help to our family and myself whom have also taken the longer path for our adoption to be completed but God is the lifter of our heads. In our thoughts and prayers always, Leslie, Kevin, Kaitlin, Sierra and Mercy McDermott

Jebena said...

You're nearing the end...We are always thinking about you with admiration.

emily said...

You guys are holding fast with much grace and faith. Praying for you!!

Carrie said...

Praying for you and hoping you see a light soon.

Why Adopt? Check out this video!