Sunday, April 27, 2008


OK. Everyone stay calm. Calm. Peaceful. Calm.

OK. Whatever. WE'RE JUMPING THROUGH THE WINDOW!!! You know the window. The one that Gladney says is approximately 3 to 5 months long, where referrals are most likely to be handed out. You remember what a referral is, don't you? That ALL-IMPORTANT PHONE CALL we will get from Jessica telling us all about who our future daughter will be while we look at e-mailed photos of her. Wow.

3 MONTHS OFFICIALLY - DONE. DONE! We have completed 13 weeks and will now start week 14. Sweet!

Stay tuned!
Onward! smj


graceling said...

Welcome to the window. It is pretty sweet.

{B} said...

What a beautiful window you're leaping through! We can't wait to hear that the journey to bring Baby K home is about to begin! Love...Dad & Billie

J, A, T and Y said...

Yah, yah, yah!!!! We are sooooooooo excited for you guys!!!!!!

Kimberly Baggett said...

isn't this a great place to the window!!! congratulations for you guys!!! hopefully you will hear very soon!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats...You are getting closer! :)

m&r said...

Wow - that is so exciting!! I am officially going to be stalking your blog now.

Heather said...

Fantastic photo to represent this moment!! Hopefully you will receive an "unknown" call soon! :-)

The Soucys said...

I'm so excited for you two! Prepare to jump every time the phone rings!!!!

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